by Priscilla H Wilson | Oct 27, 2014 | Travel, Writing
I drive into Arkansas City going south on highway 77. I come to attend my sixty-fifth high-school reunion. It is a beautiful fall day –– so after checking into the Quality Inn on north Summit I drive out west of town. My parent’s final resting place is the Riverview...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Mar 4, 2014 | Aging, Death, Faith, Travel, Writing
Kaze and I are excited to announce the launch of Everyday Wonder, from Kansas to Kenya – from Ecuador to Ethiopia. Available on – also at Bruce Smith Pharmacy in Prairie Village, KS – as well as from either one of us. Read more about our new book ...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jan 1, 2014 | Family, Photography, Travel, Writing
Christmas and the Mountains gallery Christmas in the mountains isn’t the same as on the midwest plains. My two older grandsons, their wives and children traveled to the other grandparents for Christmas … so the rest of us figured out a different kind of...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Nov 7, 2013 | Photography, Travel, Writing
What is it about walking on ancient cobblestones that fills the air with mystery? I climb one more set of dark, curved, stone steps and raise the question, “How many feet have climbed these worn steps?” Fog envelops us as we leave Paris. Soon a sense of softness fills...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Oct 27, 2013 | Family, Photography, Travel
Floating mist softens the air in the gardens of Giverny, France. As we round a curve on the pathway I can imagine Claude Monet studying the many colors as he applies his imagination to the canvas before him. I click my camera and capture scenes that have become world...
by Ben Wilson | Oct 8, 2013 | Travel
Today is a grey, windy, rainy day on Hatteras Island. Kaze and I have more work to do on our book, Everyday Wonder so this is probably the kind of weather we need. We aren’t tempted to walk away from the computers. But yesterday was beautiful and I took pictures...