Memories of Avila

Rodney, Kaze and I stroll on the walls of the ancient city of Avila. These eleventh century walls bristle with bastions, towers and battlements and are some of the best preserved in Europe. Kaze is living in Madrid in 1986. Rodney and I have attended an ICA conference...
Foster Grandmother

Foster Grandmother

Early in April I go to the Wild Bird Center to buy seed for the clear plastic bird feeder stuck on my third floor apartment window. When I start to refill the feeder I am startled to see a bunch of scattered wispy weeds. I wonder, is someone building a nest? I put the...
A Tribute to Betty

A Tribute to Betty

Another dear friend and colleague died this week. Betty Pesek and I first met on the west side of Chicago in April, 1967 at the Ecumenical Institute. Forty-eight years ago this month. In early 1967, staff at the EI developed a tactic they called “the Trilogy” to...
A Day at Squaw Creek

A Day at Squaw Creek

My sister, Pam and I spent a day this week driving around the 3,400 acres of Squaw Creek’s wetlands. We anticipated seeing thousands of Snow Geese. We drove and drove…finally one lonely Snow Goose sitting by the side of the road. We assumed he(she) was ill...

Celebrating Women

My husband, Rodney had a knack of being humorous, gracious, giving and satirical all at the same time. International Women’s Day is tomorrow, March 8. Make It Happen is the 2015 theme for the global hub, encouraging effective action...