We just returned from Minnesota and time with kids, grand kids and three precious great grand kids. On Saturday evening our son, Ben, took us to a reception and program titled All About Owls at the Carpenter Nature Center south of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Walter Conrad of the World Bird Sanctuary brought in four owls for guests to meet. In the show were a Tawny Owl, a Barn Owl, a Spectacled Owl and a Eurasian Eagle Owl (largest owl in the world). As Walter talked about each owl, his assistants carried that owl around the room so each could be seen by everyone (and pictures taken). The World Bird Sanctuary is a few miles west of St. Louis. At the end of the show, guests were invited to donate $$ for the privilege of having their picture taken with one of the owls, the Tawny Owl or the Eurasian Eagle Owl. It is an amazing experience to be so close to such fascinating creatures.
On Friday afternoon Ben took us to see the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota. He volunteers there in a variety of roles, principally transport for rescue and photographer of rehab and release flights with the raptors.