Priscilla’s World

Coopers Hawk in My Yard

Coopers Hawk in My Yard

Orange and white breast feathers shimmer in the morning sun. From a perch in the oak tree an elegant bird gazes at the tangle of bushes and tree limbs below. A male Cooper’s hawk tosses his head as if to say, “This is a good neighborhood.”Bluish-gray feathers cloak...

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My First Bicycle

My First Bicycle

I was about five or six years old when we started saving the caps off of milk bottles. I don’t know whose idea this was…and I am not sure if I even realized that we were saving bottle caps for a reason.But finally, the day arrived when we were to go downtown to the...

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Trees and Memories

Trees and Memories

Trees evoke memories! Memories shape the past and enlighten the future. I ponder the role certain trees have played as they flood my memories. The role of people I understand. My meditative council speaks wisdom – sometimes invited, but often unbidden. A diverse bunch...

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Wentz Camp

Wentz Camp

My best friend at church, Rebecca Loucks and I went to Wentz Camp every summer for years. Wentz was outside of Ponca City Oklahoma and was a fabulous camp. There was an amazing swimming pool, lovely stone cottages holding twelve folks in each, and a wonderful tower to...

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What is the most expensive thing I ever bought?

What is the most expensive thing I ever bought?

   I am sure that the most expensive thing we ever bought took place in the process of our buying houses. The fact of which one was the most expensive...I don’t have an idea. I am sure that the first house that we bought...on Chicago’s Circle Avenue in...

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