by Priscilla H Wilson | Jan 22, 2015 | Faith, Family, Photography
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 and the Village Presbyterian Church steeple is scheduled to be lowered to the ground. The big crane arrives about 8:15am. As time passes various folks come from the church to stand on the sidewalk across the street. None of us are engineers...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jun 21, 2014 | Faith, Family, Writing
In a mid-year note to several friends this week I suggested the short stories in Everyday Wonder, from Kansas to Kenya, from Ecuador to Ethiopia for some fun reading. I enjoyed most sending a note to my choir director and first theology teacher at the Presbyterian...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Mar 4, 2014 | Aging, Death, Faith, Travel, Writing
Kaze and I are excited to announce the launch of Everyday Wonder, from Kansas to Kenya – from Ecuador to Ethiopia. Available on – also at Bruce Smith Pharmacy in Prairie Village, KS – as well as from either one of us. Read more about our new book ...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Dec 2, 2013 | Faith, Family, Writing
After a long Thanksgiving weekend with family, friends and food, I can’t help but think about all that makes me thankful. My gratitude overflows. And then a friend posted Marcus Borg’s thoughts on that subject. Since I can’t say it as well as he does…I have a feeling...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Mar 26, 2013 | Faith, Family, Travel
How many worlds can I inhabit in less than a week? The day after my 82nd birthday I am with family in the Punta Cana, Dominican Republic airport. Ten inches of snow greet us when we awake the next day. Mary, Nora and Warren had set the ball rolling by deciding a...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jan 19, 2013 | Aging, Death, Faith
Love, anger, revenge and forgiveness all swirled across the screen during the Metropolitan Opera’s HD broadcast of Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda this afternoon. My sister, Pam, Kaze and I listened/watched entranced for three hours as Queen Elizabeth I and Mary...