by Priscilla H Wilson | Nov 15, 2021 | Family, Travel
The night before we left for North Carolina my phone rang and I thought it was time to get up. I had set my alarm for 3:45am. Then I realized the ring was Mary at the Claridge door wanting in. My watch said it was only 9:15pm. I quickly dressed in my robe and went...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Aug 15, 2021 | Aging, Family, Travel
Long ago when Mary, our daughter was in high school she was dating Steve and he and his family came to Avon, North Caroline every summer. They owned a house a couple of blocks from the beach and loved every minute of their time there. Rodney and I were entranced with...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jul 12, 2021 | Family, Writing
I was about five or six years old when we started saving the caps off of milk bottles. I don’t know whose idea this was…and I am not sure if I even realized that we were saving bottle caps for a reason.But finally, the day arrived when we were to go downtown to the...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jul 11, 2021 | Family, Travel
My best friend at church, Rebecca Loucks and I went to Wentz Camp every summer for years. Wentz was outside of Ponca City Oklahoma and was a fabulous camp. There was an amazing swimming pool, lovely stone cottages holding twelve folks in each, and a wonderful tower to...
by Priscilla H Wilson | Jun 28, 2021 | Family, Writing
I am not sure during all of my growing up years that I was closer to my father or mother. I think it stayed about the same all of the time. We, my sister, Pam and I grew up in a fabulous household. There never was any kind of favorite that I can remember. We are both...
by Priscilla H Wilson | May 4, 2021 | Family, Writing
Vacations As a Child When I think back over my life I am amazed that when I was small we had few “vacations.” Our summer drives across hot, dusty Oklahoma roads to the Texas Panhandle was our summer fun. Our mother’s mother, and aunts and uncles all lived in or...