Writing Saved My Sanity

Writing Saved My Sanity

Fifty-eight years, eight months and twenty-one days after that first, “I do” Rodney Wilson drops to the floor with a “catastrophic brain hemorrhage.” About mid-afternoon the next day the nurse says, “I expect his heart rate and blood pressure to spike and then...
May Migration

May Migration

Every year in May, I ask myself why am I inside a building. This is the month of bird migration and any self-respecting birder is outside with binoculars at the ready. This morning I finally sat in a Prairie Village backyard for over an hour and had my “warbler...
Surprise Neighbors

Surprise Neighbors

There is something magical about watching large birds glide through the air from tree to tree.  Yellow Crown Night-Herons are rare in this part of the country. So why are they in a midwest suburban neighborhood? They’re most likely found in coastal marshes, barrier...