Priscilla’s World

The Digital Age

It is easy to get swamped by all the digital pictures after a marvelous two weeks in Kenya. I've finally put the first batch of pictures from the Masai Mara on my Picasa site...but still have a bunch more to go through. It is a lot of fun, but the hours fly by when...

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On Safari In Kenya

Magic was in the air and we breathed it for two unforgettable weeks. “Jambo” and a smile as you meet each person brings a warm smiling “jambo” in return to welcome you to Kenya. A safari in Kenya was our grandson Warren’s choice of destination for his eleven-year-old...

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Safari Pictures

How do you decide which of the 80 pictures of lions are the best two or three? I’m knee-deep in digital photos from our July Kenyan Safari. I have already eliminated several hundred from the 4,140 pics I brought home. My process now is to put in my Google Picasa Web...

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