Three Cheetahs

Three Cheetahs

Communication between the drivers in the Masai Mara is amazing. Our driver, Musa gets word early morning that some cheetahs are sighted near Intrepid Camp…off we go (after a cup of coffee) for the long drive east…toward Intrepid Camp. When we arrive where...

A Whirlwind Weekend in Chicago

How much can I pack into one weekend? I decide to see how many memories of Chicago I will recreate so I invite myself to join Mary, Nora and Warren for their road trip north. They had two intents…eat at their favorite restaurants and see Warren off on the bus to...

Through the Years

Sixty-one years ago my Mother and I ride the Santa Fe Chief to Chicago to shop for my trousseau. It is August before my marriage to Rodney Eugene Wilson. Our wedding takes place  October 26, 1952. Today, June 5, 2013 it has been two years since his death. Time is so...

The Arrival of Spring

I know it is spring when my email box is stuffed with lists of the birds that other people have seen. This is the first time in several years that birders across this part of Kansas have raved during the month of May about the number of migrating birds they are...

A Spring Journey

How many worlds can I inhabit in less than a week? The day after my 82nd birthday I am with family in the Punta Cana, Dominican Republic airport. Ten inches of snow greet us when we awake the next day. Mary, Nora and Warren had set the ball rolling by deciding a...