The Arrival of Spring

I know it is spring when my email box is stuffed with lists of the birds that other people have seen. This is the first time in several years that birders across this part of Kansas have raved during the month of May about the number of migrating birds they are...

How Can Things Change?

Is it possible to  imagine ways to prevent gun violence? Has Newtown opened a door for new opportunites? Has the shooting of first graders changed the conversation? What can be done so we aren’t such a violent society? Maybe one of the simple things we can all do is...

Being an Author

One thing I know about writing. You must love “red-ink.” Even then, who knows? Kaze and I spent last week with our noses to the grindstone, to quote an old cliche (A cliche is an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to...

A Writing Week

“Good writing,  inspirational work and here are 50,000 ways to improve this book.” Thus spoke our editor.  Kaze and I will be together this week to rework our writing. Four years of fits and starts on this volume are under our belt. It is exciting when we...

A Week at Ghost Ranch

Last week my friend, Kaze and I gloried in the glow of changing light on the multi-colored pillars of stone outside our door. This is a week set aside to work on the book we are writing. It became so much more. A kaleidoscope of emotions visits us before our time at...