A Day at Squaw Creek

A Day at Squaw Creek

My sister, Pam and I spent a day this week driving around the 3,400 acres of Squaw Creek’s wetlands. We anticipated seeing thousands of Snow Geese. We drove and drove…finally one lonely Snow Goose sitting by the side of the road. We assumed he(she) was ill...
Birds in the Cold

Birds in the Cold

I had to have one more hike before returning home. Zero degrees, minus twenty-two wind chill, but sunny and beautiful. Ben and I bundle up with everything warm we have. Ben is wearing the warm, warm, warm blue coat that Rodney bought in Vienna in 1988. That was a fun...
My New Neighbor

My New Neighbor

Somedays it is amazing who shows up on your doorstep…or on your light fixture in this case. A friend called yesterday afternoon to tell me about a bird nest by our garage door. A scissor-tail flycatcher is the identity her husband gives the momma. I rig up my...

Warbler Migration

“Priscilla, how many Mays do you think you have left?” the question I asked myself several years ago. Ask any birder and they will tell you nothing else should be scheduled during May while the warbler migration is happening. It is such a short and...